
.商城 Announcement

2024 Transition Period for DNSSEC secret key of 商城(.xn--czru2d)

The KSK secret key of .商城(xn--czru2d) TLD, will enter into the period for transition on March 1, 2024, according to the DNSSEC Practice Statement (DPS) for .商城(xn--czru2d) domain name. The old KSK secret key (Key ID: 995) will be removed from zone on March 31, 2024, at 18:00 (UTC+8).

If the recursive server you manage (or part of the browsers) enables DNS verification by using .商城(xn--czru2d) domain name as a trust anchor (using trusted-keys command), please remove the trust anchor configuration of .商城(xn--czru2d) domain name in the recursive server before March 31, 2024, at 18:00 (UTC+8), and Set up the new KSK secret key as the trust anchor. To maintain the continuity of recursive server service, please restart it after the invalidation of relevant recording buffer of old KSK secret key.

The following is the information for the new KSK public key (Key ID: 62552) of .商城(xn--czru2d) domain name: DNSKEY : xn--czru2d. 3600 IN DNSKEY 257 3 8 AwEAAZhwxj8yTIo1GYoQEvQ+HDT3M/t1yiwLNlL2TfeezYXJcRdIMVy3 bhSuGSVUKk6Oa57+BM3QAU689I5pubyUfUXyWtU2Ms7klKPLiL9rLIfj Vx4VaSP3qIeDcHEjUySJZDJgov0IZxwO6GuSZ7RdrGgYY1WudKHY4Ng6 lT02ZDLLOdRVHRLCJ2tF28K5Ra+ljMFwhIoR+Qp9z6omq0ApVjBkIwWB 2MK+Vl/aB/ckUgiG/SLGvppSg3gi1rV8+sVjP3MqnxS3euiE6/e5bMTU LEUDIgogrlVCLekjpzKkq9Rrzd9LaTdpI0wYMusE0CRmcD3nliHTq6UBjKjUEhSEFgk=

Zodiac Registry
March 12, 2024,